Buses: Old Technology Refned (Amberley)

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Despite all the current hype making people believe that electric and hybrid vehicles are a staggering present-day breakthrough in the quest for a carbon-zero future, both are, in fact, old technology introduced over 100 years ago that has been refined.

This book takes a look at how gas, hybrid and electric propulsion has been redeveloped after disappearing during the twentieth century and is now regarded as ‘the future’.

Although not intended to be a definitive history of public road transport in the UK, within its pages are several other technological and vehicle design developments that made their debut over a century ago and have made a return in recent years, all of which are illustrated and described to provide a fascinating insight into how things have continued to change.

Various technologies are discussed, with a wide range of illustrations included, from archive images dating back over 100 years, to recent photographs of vehicles on test. 96 pages.

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