Trains d'exception de la Compagnie Internationale des Wagons-Lits 1922-1970 (LR-Presse)

3 In Stock

In Trains d´exception, Voitures-lits, restaurant, Pullman et fourgons métalliques de la Compagnie Internationale des Wagons-Lits 1922-1970 the authors, Jean-Marc Dupuy and Pierre-Yves Toussirot, introduce us to the coaching stock of the Compagnie des Wagons-Lits at the time of its heyday, The stock was operated on the most prestigious trains: Orient Express, Train Bleu, Sud Express, Flèche d'Or for use in mainland Europe, Turkey and Egypt. The authors present a detailed catalogue of the stock, by type and by manufacturer, and describe the services operated. Very well illustrated, with many photographs previously unpublished, there are also views of some interior fittings.

French Text. More than 400 illustrations. Hardback. 320 pages.

Erratum The publishers apologise, but in this book there is a composition error, no text is missing, but 6 paragraphs have been duplicated from page 23: In the paragraph beginning with " Au service de l'été 1928" as well as the following 5 paragraphs ending with the paragraph " Suite à la baisse de fréquentation des cabines single". The reading then continues normally on page 28, 2nd paragraph of the right column.

Contents include:

Sleeping cars

  • Sleeping cars of type S
  • Sleeping cars of type Z
  • Sleeping cars of type Lx
  • Sleeping cars of type Y and its derivatives
  • Sleeping cars of type F
  • Sleeping cars of type LJ
  • Sleeping cars of type P
  • Sleeping cars of type UH and its derivatives of types YC and YF
  • Sleeping cars of types MU and M
  • Sleeping cars of type T2

Restaurant cars

  • Restaurant car No. 2693
  • Restaurant car No. 2700
  • Restaurant cars No. 2749 to 2773
  • Restaurant cars No. 2819 to 2838
  • Restaurant cars Nos. 2852 to 2866
  • Restaurant cars Nos. 2867 to 2880
  • Restaurant car No. 2881
  • Restaurant cars No. 2968 and 2969
  • Restaurant cars No. 3341 to 3360
  • Restaurant cars Nos. 3391 to 3405
  • Restaurant cars Nos. 3562 to 3566 and 3567 to 3569
  • Restaurant cars Nos. 3578 to 3587
  • Restaurant cars Nos. 3628 to 3647
  • Restaurant cars Nos. 3663 to 3682
  • Restaurant cars Nos. 3693 to 3702
  • Restaurant cars Nos. 3778 to 3787
  • Restaurant cars Nos. 4201 to 4218
  • Restaurant cars Nos. 4219 to 4224
  • Restaurant cars n° 4225 to 4241
  • Restaurant cars n° 4242 to 4249
  • Restaurant cars n° 4250 and 4251
  • Restaurant cars n° 4255 to 4264
  • Restaurant cars n° 4265 to 4274

Pullman Cars

  • Great luxury in day expresses
  • Sud-Express saloon cars
  • The Sud-Express complementary lounge cars
  • Pullmans of the Golden Arrow type
  • Pullmans of the complementary type
  • Pullmans of the Etoile du Nord type
  • Pullmans of the Côte d'Azur type
  • The Pullmans for Egypt

The vans

  • Four-door vans (Nord-Express)
  • Trucks (Golden Arrow)
  • Three-door vans (Orient-Express)
  • Three-door vans (Taurus-Express)
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