Journey's End: Locomotives and Rolling Stock for Scrap in Great Britain (Amberley)

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The storage and ultimate disposal of redundant or worn-out railway locomotives and rolling stock is a much-overlooked subject, but is most certainly an important aspect of railway history, deserving documentation and photographic attention.

Subjects covered here include locomotives and rolling stock that had already been taken out of regular service, either present at motive power depots awaiting movement for disposal, abandoned at industrial installations, or simply languishing in sidings or yards, sometimes apparently forgotten about with nature gradually taking its course.

Scenes of cutting up and disposal operations also feature. Partly dismembered hulks of locomotives can be seen, as well as rolling stock and multiple units awaiting burning and subsequent asbestos removal.

Packed with fascinating illustrations and commentary, Journey’s End is a fitting accompaniment to Gordon Edgar’s popular regional Industrial Locomotives & Railways series. This first volume focuses on rolling stock and locomotives in Great Britain and uses high-quality colour and black & white photography and extensive captions. 128 pages.

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